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Pages:   «««120121122123124125126127128»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3691 Private United States Sneaky Mom 35 2 33 6% 21% 899 0 867 09 Jan 2013 3 7980
3692 Private United States sneezemachine7 19 0 19 0% 0% 0 0 930 11 Oct 2023 1 7750
3693 Private United States snipehunter 27 2 25 7% 19% 866 0 1057 24 Mar 2013 5 8280
3694 Major United States Snoochie Boochies 4230 567 3663 13% 41% 709 876 1486 01 Oct 2024 2379 94529
3695 Private United States snooper342 13 0 13 0% 0% 0 0 979 24 Sep 2014 0 8180
3696 Private United States Snowball the pig 11 0 11 0% 0% 0 0 986 02 Jan 2014 2 8550
3697 Lieutenant United States snowblast 41 8 33 20% 41% 953 0 0 28 Aug 2016 34 11040
3698 Private Cyprus Snuden666 56 15 41 27% 36% 0 0 982 07 Sep 2017 14 10490
3699 Private United States Snuffles The Conqueror 413 67 346 16% 52% 1078 0 786 02 May 2024 272 15640
3700 Private United States Snugglepuss 715 255 460 36% 41% 811 0 967 01 Nov 2019 269 11930
3701 Private United States SOADer 93 17 76 18% 30% 887 0 972 01 Mar 2015 28 7342
3702 Private United States Soap 94 19 75 20% 51% 531 0 931 10 May 2012 70 13270
3703 Private United States Soccer dude 34 4 30 12% 30% 0 0 1036 06 Jun 2011 10 8450
3704 Private United States Socrates1 1191 210 981 18% 37% 0 0 852 30 Sep 2024 610 5040
3705 Private soft wizard 305 89 216 29% 74% 0 0 0 11 Jun 2018 511 23272
3706 Private Netherlands Solarstar 13 5 8 38% 81% 0 0 0 08 Nov 2014 32 15190
3707 Private United Kingdom Soldatenteam of Warfish 55 5 50 9% 19% 899 0 918 06 Jan 2020 19 8240
3708 Private Australia Soldier24 16 15 1 94% 94% 0 0 0 11 Feb 2012 14 12660
3709 Private Italy Sole 35 2 33 6% 8% 0 0 982 12 Aug 2020 0 7360
3710 Private United States Solea 95 11 84 12% 22% 680 0 958 02 Jul 2021 30 8561
3711 Private United States Solers 21 4 17 19% 19% 0 0 0 03 Mar 2019 3 8670
3712 Private United States solo-han 12 1 11 8% 8% 0 0 0 25 Oct 2023 1 8710
3713 Private United States Solomonster 735 40 695 5% 20% 0 0 510 17 Sep 2021 184 4710
3714 Private United States somasol 810 111 699 14% 19% 910 0 870 25 Apr 2017 151 5580
3715 Private United States SomeonesInMyFruitCellar 15 4 11 27% 35% 0 0 0 13 Nov 2011 3 9520
3716 Private United States somethingpete 278 50 228 18% 25% 939 0 994 05 Sep 2024 59 9260
3717 Private United States Son of Tywin 67 17 50 25% 76% 0 0 947 23 Aug 2023 116 18880
3718 Sergeant United States sonfeld 6215 2707 3508 44% 50% 956 1000 688 28 Sep 2024 3244 13853
3719 Private Spain sonix 175 43 132 25% 28% 984 0 0 27 Oct 2011 39 7760
3720 Private United States sook 20 3 17 15% 65% 0 0 962 14 Sep 2015 17 15480